Previous Year Brief Questions of Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama (2012-2018)

Previous Year Brief Questions of Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama (2012-2018) Previous Year Brief Questions of Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama 2012  a. Who was Mephistophilis? Ans: Assistant of Lucifer. b. Who is the peerless dame of Greece? Ans: Helen of Toy c. What is the aim of Satire? Ans: To improve humanity by criticizing its follies and foibles. d. What is the full title of the play “Doctor Faustus”? Ans: The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. …

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Place of Articulation in Linguistics

Question: Discuss English consonants according to Place of Articulation. Ans. Consonants are sounds that are produced with articulators more or less close ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ হল এমন ধ্বনি যা আর্টিকুলেটর দিয়ে কমবেশি কাছাকাছি উৎপন্ন হয়। Consonants are classified according to three dimensions ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ তিনটি মাত্রা অনুযায়ী শ্রেণীবদ্ধ করা হয়: i.   Voicing ভয়েসিং ii.    Place of articulation উচ্চারণের স্থান iii.  Manner of articulation স্পষ্ট উচ্চারণ রীতি The place of articulation The place of articulation refers to …

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The Relationship Between Culture and Language

Question: The Relationship Between Culture and Language. Introduction Culture and language are strongly interconnected. The relationship between culture and language is controversial and when someone tries to understand how language and culture are connected a number of questions come to mind. To understand the relationship between language and culture clearly, it is good to get acquainted with their definitions first. ভূমিকা: সংস্কৃতি এবং ভাষা দৃঢ়ভাবে পরস্পর সংযুক্ত। সংস্কৃতি এবং ভাষার মধ্যে সম্পর্ক বিতর্কিত এবং যখন …

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The Different Stages of Child Language Development

Question: Show The Different Stages of Child Language Development. Introduction Parents do not teach the mother language to their children formally. They only reinforce their child’s verbal behavior by means of “baby talk”. To extend their language abilities, children pick up a language like playing a game with other children. Though the specific environmental factors make it possible for language acquisition, the primary element would appear to be merely sufficient expression to language use in …

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What is Morphology | Classify Morphemes in Detail | Linguistics

Question: What is Morphology? Classify morphemes in detail. The key concept about the term Morphology Morphology is the study of the internal structure of words and is a key part of linguistic studies today. The term morphology is a Greek word. It means a make-up of morph that means shape or form, and -ology which means the study of something. As a sub-discipline of linguistics, the term morphology was named for the first time in …

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Give an account of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Question: Give an account of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Or, discuss linguistic relativity. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is a principle that suggests that the structure of a language affects the worldview or cognition or knowledge of its speakers, and thus people’s perceptions are relative to their spoken language. To put it differently, the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis stands for the proposition that the particular language one says influences the way one thinks about reality. It is …

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What is the cooperative principle | Linguistics

Question: What is the cooperative principle? Discuss with reference to Gricean Maxims. The cooperative principle The cooperative principle reveals that you should say things that are appropriate for the kind of conversation you are having. To put it differently, the cooperative principle reveals “Make your contribution such as it is necessary, at the stage at which it happens, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged “আপনি যে …

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What is IC Analysis in Linguistics

Question: What is IC analysis? Discuss IC analysis through a tree diagram. The key concept of IC analysis Immediate constituent analysis, also known as IC analysis in linguistics, is a method of grammatical analysis that divides sentences into sequential levels, or elements, until the final level, each element consisting of only one word or meaningful part of the word. An element is any world or construction that enters into some large construction. The first of …

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Important Short Questions of Linguistics 2022

1. What are the differences between Langue and parole ল্যাঙ্গু এবং প্যারোলের মধ্যে পার্থক্য কি? Le langage, la langue and la parole Ferdinand de Saussure made a sharp distinction between three main terms, {Ferdinand de Saussure তিনটি প্রধান পদগুলির মধ্যে একটি স্পষ্ট পার্থক্য তৈরি করেছিলেন} – le langage, la langue, and la parole. According to Saussure, le langage means human speech as a whole consisting of two aspects such as langue and parole. এর অর্থ …

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Discuss Different Branches of Phonetics | Linguistics

Discuss different branches of phonetics. Introduction Phonetics is the study and classification of speech sounds. To put it differently, it is the science of speech sounds and their production, transmission, and reception, and their analysis, classification, and transcription. ভূমিকা: ধ্বনিবিদ্যা হল বক্তৃতা শব্দের অধ্যয়ন এবং শ্রেণীবিভাগ। একে অন্যভাবে বলতে গেলে, এটি বক্তৃতা শব্দ এবং তাদের উৎপাদন, সংক্রমণ এবং অভ্যর্থনা এবং তাদের বিশ্লেষণ, শ্রেণীবিভাগ এবং প্রতিলিপি বিজ্ঞান। Branches of phonetics The study of phonetics can be …

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